The Council is made up of 10 individual Councillors who contribute to the work of the whole Council by:

  • Suggesting ideas
  • Engaging in constructive debate
  • Responding to the needs and views of the community
  • Representing their constituents
  • Behaving in an ethical way and being open about interests
  • Commenting on proposals to ensure the best outcome
  • Voting - to enable the council to make decisions
  • Granting funds to individual organisations within the community, on the basis that the grant is of direct benefit to the inhabitants, either socially, economically or environmentally.
The Council makes significant contributions towards the running costs of the local Hub facility in Taff’s Well. 


Following the closure of local libraries in RCT the Hub was established by local volunteers. The Hub maintains a local library service, the Hub also serves as the local deposit for food donations for the local food bank, provides a ”notice board “ service for the many local community activities such as the local Singing Club, provides tourism information and acts as a sign posting service to third sector advisors such as the CAB. The computer access provided enables registered users to access online services